A-Life Wealth Prestige: A regular premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan that covers death. This plan gives you the flexibility to select your coverage in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) or index your coverage with Singapore Dollar (SGD) or United States Dollar (USD).
Coverage Period
Up to age 70, 80, 100
Eligible Age
14 days - 70 years old
A-Life Wealth Builder: This high coverage investment-linked plan provides your family a financial safety net if the unexpected happens to you.
Coverage Period
Up to 70, 80 & 100 years old
Eligible Age
14 days - 70 years old
A-Life Wealth Venture: A non-participating high protection plan covering death and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD). This plan secures your legacy against unforeseen risks, so you can focus on growing your lifelong venture.
Coverage Period
10 years, 15 years, 20 years,
or up to 80 years old
Eligible Age
16 - 70 years old
A-Life Wealth Premier: An investment-linked plan that provides additional coverage during your productive years, protecting your loved ones with a strong financial safety net.
Coverage Period
Up to 70, 80 & 100 years old
Eligible Age
14 days - 70 years old
Inquiry - Life Insurance